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E-mail Updates: Past Issues of Catalyst Center ePublications

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The Catalyst Center produces two email publications:
Catalyst Center Quarterly
The Catalyst Center Quarterly eNewsletter provides original content from the Catalyst Center, including announcements, resources, articles, analyses, and more. View past issues:
- Catalyst Center Quarterly – Spring 2015
Addressing health inequities, ACA back in court, EHBs & CYSHCN, a special Special Enrollment Period, and more - Catalyst Center Quarterly – Winter 2014
New plain-language ACA fact sheets, preserving kids’ coverage, high-deductible plans, underinsurance, and HAPPY HOLIDAYS! - Catalyst Center Quarterly – Fall 2014
New tool demonstrates need and compares TEFRA and FOA Medicaid Buy-In Program for children with disabilities in your state - Catalyst Center Quarterly – June 2014
Medicaid Health Home -why it matters for kids with special health care needs
Catalyst Center Coverage
Catalyst Center Coverage provides a roundup of news related to coverage and financing of care for children and youth with special health care needs. View past issues:
- Catalyst Center Coverage – April 13, 2015
Mental Health Parity – at last?, Coordinating care to reduce costs, Reducing churn, more - Catalyst Center Coverage – April 6, 2015
Transformation of Title V Block Grant, new performance measurement for MCH, state approaches to Medicaid provider rates, No CHIP = increased family costs, more - Catalyst Center Coverage – March 31, 2015
Children’s coverage gains in jeopardy? | the ACA at five | House passes the “doc fix” bill, more - Catalyst Center Coverage – Feb. 19, 2015
Medical debt a problem despite ACA | Senate and House CHIP extension bills introduced | Do health care providers have the right to sue their state Medicaid program for inadequately reimbursing for services? more - Catalyst Center Coverage – Jan. 20, 2015
ROI on Medicaid for kids validated | FL child advocates celebrate judge’s decision | Medical homes, CHIP, resources and more… - Catalyst Center Coverage – Nov. 25, 2014
The family glitch, millions of Medicaid kids missing regular checkups, and THANK YOU! - Catalyst Center Coverage – Nov. 7, 2014
Closing loophole in some employer plans | children’s coverage progress stalls | Medicaid scrutinizes ADHD treatment, costs | EHBs revisited, and more

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