Evaluation of HIV Case Management Services

HDWG conducted an evaluation of the HIV Case Management Programs funded by the MA Department of Public Health and the Boston Public Health Commission from 2002-2003. The purpose of the evaluation was to assist the funders in coordinating their re-procurement process for case management services in order to avoid duplication, to coordinate and streamline the procurement standards and reporting requirements across funders, to identify appropriate supervision requirements and to establish priority activities for case management programs.

Methods included a review of service utilization data, contractor budgets and scopes of services, DPH Regional Forum data and chart audit data; a literature review of HIV case management studies to identify models and program outcomes; and interviews with HIV case managers and supervisors in DPH-funded case management programs across the Commonwealth.


DPH Case Management Final Report

HIV Case Management Literature Review

Project staff included Carol Tobias, Serena Rajabiun, Regina Murphy and Viviana Abuchar.