HRSA Webcast: Models for Integrating Peers into HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment |
Webcast |
December 16, 2008 |
HRSA Webcast: Recruiting, Hiring and Supporting Peers |
Webcast |
July 1, 2009 |
HRSA Webcast: the Roles of Peers in HIV Care and Treatment |
Webcast |
April 15, 2009 |
HRSA Webcast: Training Peers to Support Clients in HIV Care and Treatment |
Webcast |
August 5, 2009 |
HRSA Webcast: Supervising peers who support clients in HIV care and treatment (Part 1) |
Webcast |
October 7, 2009 |
HRSA Webcast: Supervising peers who support clients in HIV care and treatment (Part 2) |
Webcast |
November 3, 2009 |
HRSA Webcast: Evaluating peer services in HIV care and treatment |
Webcast |
February 11, 2010 |
HRSA Webcast: Continuing Education for Peers: Disclosure |
Webcast |
May 3, 2010 |
HRSA Webcast: HIV Resistance: The Intersection between Treatment and Prevention |
Webcast |
June 3, 2010 |
HRSA Webcast: Integrating Peers into HIV Care and Treatment |
Webcast |
November 17, 2010 |
HRSA Webcast: Training peers to support clients in HIV care and treatment |
Webcast |
December 9, 2010 |
HRSA Webcast: Strategies for Supervising HIV Peers |
Webcast |
January 19, 2011 |
HRSA Webcast: Tools for Monitoring & Evaluating HIV Peer Programs |
Webcast |
January 26, 2011 |